Tuesday, 21 October 2008

My day.

Hyy everyone! Nice to create blog today. Hehehe...okk.,, ermmm...tadi pagi, aku kusut berabis wah! Then socks ku lagi nada.. At the same tyme jua,,ada tya socks ku ane,but satu lain, and satu lain. Aku sasak...ku pakai th jua. But aku malu plang 2. Cause pagi tadi aku sekulah x a..hehehe~ tadii pagi aku panat jua..along with mum and mirra. But nina nada. Ea ada practise. Its like, BORIING!!! Si mirra and cmum ane kelaie wah! Kelaiekan duit plng tu! Then cmirra tekuyak duit 2..mcm kami semua KETAWA AND TERIAK. Shock x kami a! Hehehe~ sblum balik tadi kmi kdewan.. 4 practise urg "khatam alQuran"...after that. Ada tya cnina!! And then aku and cnina menggumpat urg yg kmi banci. THE GURLS THAT WE HATE. Indalh brapa banci..hehehe.

Patang tadi....fine day~ and aku lonely cause cnysah nda skulah! And tadi kami MB1F kana kluarkn akhir tyme balik! Cause cigu nya PANAT X A!! Hahahaha~okk thats all 4 today. Tomorrow i'll will post my blog aggain. Hope u can enjoy my STORY!